Please feel free to spend as much time with your child as you like. We welcome your ideas and suggestions and are happy to answer any questions that may arise. Go Kindy educators believe our centre functions best when educators and parents work together complimenting each other.
Parents are always welcome to attend our information nights and often invited along to our themed celebrations or parent involvement days. All families are encouraged to provide feedback to the service.
Download HandbookClass Dojo is a parent communication app used to communicate with our Go Kindy families. Families have access to their child’s journey where they can view the daily room slideshows, the weekly menu, information on their child’s eating and sleeping patterns.
Class Dojo allows Go Kindy to keep parents informed on current and upcoming centre events, medical alerts and community noticeboard. Class Dojo is easily translated in over 40 languages.
Highlights of each day will be provided in the Room Diary and as a PowerPoint presentation giving parents a snapshot of each child’s day. Information is available in each room on a daily basis on children’s eating and sleeping and appropriate patterns. The weekly Menu will be posted in the foyer for all to view.
Parents will be requested to provide feedback throughout the year on our performance, activities and their child.
Arrivals and departures are an important part of the daily routine and they influence not only the quality of the child’s day but also the quality of the parent’s day. Parents are encouraged to use arrival/departure times as an opportunity to communicate with carers about their child.
Parents are asked to report all absences to the Centre Manager or Lead Educator by 9.30am. If your child is sick, please advise us of the nature of the illness, this allows us to assess infectious illness.
Some absences are allowable without affecting payment of the Child Care Subsidy. If a child does not attend the session of care or part of the session of care, the service is still taken to have provided the session and Child Care Subsidy can still be paid, as long as the absence is allowable. An absence is allowable if the care was booked and an individual was liable to pay for that care. A child can have up to 42 allowable absences including public holidays in a financial year, more may be allowable in particular circumstances (due to illness) known as additional absences and requires a medical practitioner certificate.
When withdrawing your child from the service, or decreasing days of attendance, two weeks notice in writing is required. Full fees will apply if notice procedure is not undertaken.
Child Care Subsidy is the regular payment that assists most families with the costs of childcare. Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers in most cases, to be passed on to families as a fee reduction.
Three main factors will determine a family’s level of Child Care Subsidy:
A family’s annual adjusted taxable income will determine the percentage of subsidy families are eligible for.
The number of hours of subsidised care families can access, will be determined by an activity test. The higher the level of activity, the more hours of subsidised care families can access, up to a maximum of 100 hours per fortnight.
Parents whose hours of paid work vary from one fortnight to the next (such as casual workers) can estimate their fortnightly hours of work based on a three-month period.
Once this enrolment process is successfully completed, entitlements can be calculated and payments made.
Families can create or access their Centrelink online account and lodge a claim for Child Care Subsidy at
Information for families about Child Care Subsidy and Additional
Child Care Subsidy is available at
Families can call Centrelink about Child Care Subsidy and other family payments on 136 150, from Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, including for staff assistance in completing the claim form.
Where can I find more information on CCS?
Families can create or access their Centrelink online account and lodge a claim for Child Care Subsidy at
Information for families about Child Care Subsidy and Additional Child Care Subsidy is available at
Families can call Centrelink about Child Care Subsidy and other family payments on 136 150, from Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, including for staff assistance in completing the claim form.
The Childcare Subsidy Calculator allows your family to receive an estimate of what CCS percentage and hours your entitled to per week. These components are means tested on a families combined income. Please use the link below to receive your estimate.
The menus are devised in accordance with the National Health Guidelines (Go Kindy will provide each child with 50% of their total nutritional requirements). The Go Kindy Team also consult the Good for Life – Good for Kids government initiative to ensure our dietary requirements for the children attending our services, are based on the latest research on healthy eating.
Drinking water can be accessed by children at any time throughout the day. Meal times create an important opportunity for children to further develop their social and language skills with other children and staff, and to be exposed to the food and eating arrangements of different cultures.
Menu alterations are made for children with allergies and special dietary requirements. Go Kindy is a Nut Free service.
In addition, any food or drink brought into Go Kindy from home must be given directly to a carer for safe storage. Parents are encouraged to raise any specific concerns regarding their child’s dietary requirements with the Centre Manager and to record this information on the child’s routine section on the Enrolment form.